Earlier this month, a small portion of the county’s water system experienced quality issues. The concerns were minor and affected only 110 customers.
The affected customers were limited to the Wythe County – West Water System, which includes West Lee Highway and Radio Drive, as well as the spurs connecting to their respective lines.
Per Virginia Department of Health regulations, the water department took additional precautions in order to ensure the county’s water quality was adequate for all customers.
The action included, flushing the entire water system along West Lee Highway and the associated lines which branch from the line, thoroughly inspecting the water system, and slightly raising chlorine residuals to help prevent any future problems.
Additionally, the Wythe County Water Department is in the process of implementing proactive measures to insure future water quality in the area remains acceptable for all residents.
More recent water quality testing has consistently shown that the water meets all health department requirements.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Should you have any questions please contact us at 223-4501.
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