Florence continues to be projected to affect our county. With the recent amount of precipitation that we have accumulated over the past month, Wythe County is in prime condition for flooding with very minimal additional rainfall. The Department of Emergency Management is urging citizens in areas that are prone to flooding to make arrangements now. If you live in one of these areas, please heed the warnings and be prepared. Make arrangements for safe shelter outside of the affected area. Flood waters and damages from them could last 48 hours or more. Whether you go to family or friends houses or a hotel, this could be safer than trying to ride the floods out at home.
If you have animals, plan for them as well. Don’t leave animals in flooding areas, make plans for them. If you should have to leave your home with your animal, make sure to pack food and water for the animal. Also make sure to have the animal’s medications, papers, and necessities.
If you decide to stay home in a flooding situation, know that you are putting yourself and family at great risk. Inland flooding is the number one cause of deaths during hurricanes. If this is what you decide, let friends or family know your where-a-bouts in case of emergencies. Power outages are a high probability as well with the winds and rains. Be prepared.
Wythe County values the lives of all the citizens. Please heed the warnings and keep informed through local media such as TV and Radio. More updates will be added to the Wythe County Webpage and Facebook page as we get closer to this event. We hope for the best but we should all prepare. Stay safe!
Curtis W. Crawford
Emergency Management Coordinator