WYTHE COUNTY, Va. – The Wythe County Parks and Recreation Department is pleased to announce that registration is open for the fall Shape Up Wythe Sheffey fitness and health education program.
This free program will be offered to individuals age 18 to 65 and residing in Wythe and Bland counties. Shape Up Wythe Sheffey will be conducted three nights a week for 12 weeks at Sheffey Community Gym starting with orientation on August 26, 2019.
Participants in this program will have two evenings of fitness/exercise with a qualified instructor and one night will be dedicated to health education. Participants will also have the opportunity for a free health screening and consultation from the Mt. Rogers District Health Department.
Wythe County Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Williams said officials are excited to start up the fall session.
“We are excited to host another Shape Up Program,” Williams said. “We have been successful in the past with this program and to date we have had participants lose over 200 pounds and 300 inches combined.”
Williams said Shape Up Wythe Sheffey is a free program, thanks to a grant provided by the Wythe-Bland Foundation.
“The foundation and the recreation department believe that providing this program to the community near and around Sheffey will improve the overall health consciousness of participants,” Williams said. “We are excited to have this program continuing this fall.”
Limited space available. Registration ends Friday, August 23, 2019.
To register please contact Kevin Williams, Director of Wythe County Parks and Recreation, at 276-223-4519, or email: rkwilliams@wytheco.org