On Friday April 24, 2020, the Governor Postponed the May 5, 2020, Municipal Elections until May 19, 2020. Below are important dates regarding the Election:
The Virginia Department of Elections announced that all town voters may cast Absentee Ballots in the May 19th Town Elections. All voters are encouraged to request and vote an absentee ballot by mail. All eligible voters may request a ballot using Reason Code 2A, even if they do not suffer from an illness or disability.
To request an absentee ballot:
1.) Apply online using the Virginia Department of Elections Portal at: elections.virginia.gov
2.) CALL (276) 223-6038 or EMAIL govote@wytheco.org to request an absentee application be sent to you.
3.) Important Dates: May 12, 2020 is the last day for the Registrar’s Office to receive an absentee ballot application by mail.
4.) The Registrar’s Office will be open on May 16, 2020 from 8:30 to 4:30 for curbside voting. Please call (276)223-6038 before coming to the office.
Please ensure that your application is complete. Absentee voters are reminded to allow sufficient time to receive and return your voted ballot, allowing for possible postal delays. Do not delay in requesting or submitting your ballot.
Wythe County Electoral Board & General Registrar
245 South Fourth Street, Suite 101
Wytheville, Virginia 24382
Telephone: (276) 223-6038
Fax: (276) 223-6039
Lennon E. Counts
General Registrar
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