WYTHEVILLE, Va. – On the eve of what has the potential to be blizzard-like conditions, the local government of Wythe County is working to ensure its citizens and the tens of thousands of individuals who pass through the locality each day are aware of the possible severity of the coming winter storm.

The county hosted an emergency meeting Thursday afternoon with several key agencies and government entities to ensure all necessary plans are in place in order to maximize the critical response capabilities of the locality.

According to the National Weather Service, Wythe County will be hit with a “major winter storm late tonight through Saturday night.”

Accumulation projections are in the neighborhood of 12-18” with even greater amounts in higher elevations. More troubling to local officials, however, are the anticipated snowfall rates, which are predicted to fall at roughly 2-inches per hour.

Due to the snowfall rates, the National Weather Service cautioned residents that “travel may become impossible in some areas.”

Wythe County Sheriff Keith Dunagan gave this warning to residents, “Stay at home – roads are likely to become impassable.”

Following the sheriff’s advice, many local offices and business have opted not to open on Friday, including the Wythe County Treasurer and Commissioner of the Revenue.

In the event that travel is absolutely necessary, emergency officials are advising county residents to keep an extra flashlight in the vehicle, food and water, as well as several blankets.

“The weather will severely delay the ability of first-responders to reach citizens in the event of an emergency. Motorists need to be aware of this and take all necessary precautions to look out for their own safety. Travel is strongly discouraged,” stated Jeremy Farley, Wythe County Public Information Officer.

In addition to posing significant hindrances to travel, the storm is also expected to cause some level of power outages throughout the Commonwealth.

Appalachian Electric Power announced that they are staging line workers at three separate locations in Virginia – Wytheville, Roanoke and Lynchburg.

A representative of the power company told county officials that Virginia residents should “expect some power outages.”

Residents are being encouraged to have secondary non-electric sources of heat in place or have plans ready should they lose electricity.

The county is also working with several key agencies to make preparations for opening emergency shelters should the need arise.

Tim Reeves, Chairman of the Wythe County Board of Supervisors, reminded residents to avoid unnecessary travel.

“Our emergency responders and key personnel will be working hard throughout the storm. We are committed to keeping the residents safe and ask that the citizens do their part by avoiding all unnecessary travel,” stated Reeves.

A fundamental element to the county’s dedication to keeping residents safe will be communication. Wythe County will be posting regular updates to the locality’s official social media pages (Facebook.com/WytheCo, Twitter: @WytheCounty), as well utilizing the county’s citizen notification system should the need arise.

The county will also be working closing with the local radio station 1280AM WYVE, should the locality need to open emergency shelters.

Residents are encouraged to keep their cell phones fully charged, as power outages and downed lines may leave some homes without a working telephone.


Tips to Keep You Safe During a Power Outage

Courtesy: AEP

Take practical steps to keep you and your loved ones safe during a power outage.

* Stay away from all downed lines or sparking equipment, and keep children and pets away from fallen lines and anything the lines may touch.

* Never remove debris that’s within 10 feet of a power line.

* Unplug major appliances to protect them when power comes back on.

* Leave a light turned on so you know when power is restored.

* Refuel heaters, lamps, and generators outside, and stay away from any flames or sparks. Wipe up fuel spills immediately.

* Let AEP know if you’re using a generator – this protects you and their line workers as they work to restore power.

* Never operate lanterns, heaters, or fuel-fired stoves without proper ventilation.

* Never burn charcoal indoors. It releases poisonous carbon monoxide.

* Do not let children carry candles or oil lamps.

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WYTHEVILLE, Va. – This afternoon, the National Weather Service in Blacksburg issued a ‘Hazardous Weather Outlook’ statement for much of Southwest Virginia, including Wythe County and all of the localities surrounding it.

 According to the special weather statement, “There is an increasing potential for a winter storm Thursday night into Saturday which could produce significant impacts to travel.  Significant snow accumulations are possible.”

 Though forecasters admit that it is still too early to know exactly how much snow and/or ice will fall, they cautioned that the likelihood for a late-week winter storm is high.

 Overall, the weather event is expected to extend from Georgia to Massachusetts, however, the storm will be most severe along the Virginia—West Virginia border, stretching as far northeast as New York City.

 In the meantime, residents of Wythe County should expect low temperatures throughout Tuesday night and into tomorrow (tonight’s low is predicted to dip to 10°F), before things will gradually warm to 42°F Thursday, on the eve of Friday’s winter storm.

 Early Friday morning, National Weather Service meteorologists are forecasting, “Rain showers likely before 1am, then rain and snow showers likely between 1am and 4am, then snow showers after 4am. Low around 28. Chance of precipitation is 80%…”

 Current forecast models are calling for snow showers throughout Friday and into Friday night, with a chance of additional snow accumulation on Saturday.

 Wythe County’s emergency management team is reminding local residents of the need to have a fully stocked emergency supply kit.

 “Cold weather and snow storms are all a normal part of winter in Southwest Virginia, however, failure to be properly prepared could have tragic consequences,” stated county spokesperson Jeremy T.K. Farley.

 Echoing the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Farley said the best way for residents to stay safe during a winter storm is to avoid unnecessary travel, dress in multiple layers, keep dry, as well as have secondary non-electric sources of heat in place – due to the fact that power outages are common following winter storms.

 The county is also urging its citizens to keep an emergency supply kit in their vehicles.  Vehicle emergency supply kits should include an ice scraper, blankets, flashlight and a first aid kit.

 Wythe County Animal Control officials are reminding county residents to ensure all pets have adequate shelter.

 Local residents are also encouraged to proactively check on their neighbors, especially the elderly and handicapped.

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Wythe County Unemployment Rate Reaches Lowest Point in Nearly Eight Years

WYTHE COUNTY, Va. – Economic development leaders in Wythe County are pleased with the U.S. Labor Department’s most recent jobs report, which reveal that the county’s unemployment rate has reached its lowest point in nearly eight years.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wythe County’s November 2015 unemployment rate was down to only 5%.

Though local leaders say they’re still not satisfied with 5% unemployment, they note that it is an incredible transformation from the 13.3% rate seen in February 2010.

“The county has worked to seize every opportunity available to bring new jobs into the community,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Tim Reeves.

Reeves says that over the past five years, the county has strived to form a close working relationship with leaders in state government. Thanks to this effort, the Commonwealth of Virginia has approved multiple county requests to expand the county’s enterprise zones – Virginia Enterprise Zones allow partnership opportunities between state and local governments that encourage job creation and private investment through special incentives and grants for businesses wishing to expand their operation in the Commonwealth.

November’s jobs report caps off what has been a great year for the county’s economic development endeavors.

In September, the Virginia Tobacco Commission awarded the county $750,000 in grant funding to go toward construction of a regional exposition center that will have the seating capacity to hold as many as 6,000 people.

The following month, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe paid a visit to Wytheville in order to announce that Schaffner MTC Transformers would be investing $3.1 million in the county in order to expand their Wythe County operation.

The expansion is expected to create 79 new jobs that will pay above the average prevailing wage in the region, according to company officials.

“There’s still a lot of work left to be done,” concluded Reeves, adding, “but the most recent jobs report clearly shows that we’re on the right track.”

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Click here to view a copy of the map of the route.

SALEM – An oversized tractor-trailer loaded with a power transformer is scheduled to travel between Pulaski and Max Meadows, Friday, Jan. 8 through Monday, Jan. 11 between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on weekdays and during daylight hours on the weekend.

The truck will travel at speeds between 1 and 5 mph so it will take multiple days and stops until it reaches its destination. The Virginia Department of Transportation and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles has coordinated with the transportation company to develop a route that will minimize the impact to drivers, local businesses and residents.

The truck’s anticipated route and schedule will be as follows:

Friday, January 8
Beginning at the rail station in Pulaski, the haul will travel east onto Dora Highway, turn south onto Count Pulaski Drive, turn west on Draper Valley Road, turn north on Route 11, and then west on Honaker Road to park overnight.

Saturday, January 9
Beginning at Honaker Road in Pulaski, the haul will continue to travel west on Honaker Road (E. Lee Hwy) for approximately 10 miles crossing over Max Meadows Road, then continuing on Honaker Road (E. Lee Hwy) for 2.5 miles to park overnight at the Truck-o-mat Truckstop.

Sunday, January 10
Departing from Truck-o-mat Truckstop onto Route F-043 (East Lee Highway), the haul will turn south on Ready Mix Road, turn north on Route F-042 (Chapman Road), turn south on Lots Gap Road, turn southeast on Danner Road and bear right onto Apache Run. The haul will continue by taking a right turn onto Route 52 (Fort Chiswell Road) then turn south onto Austinville Road, turn south on Store Hill Road to cross the New River then onto Route 69 (Lead Mine Road) to park overnight at the Kangaroo Truckstop in Poplar Camp.

Monday, January 11
The haul will depart from the Kangaroo Truckstop turning left onto Route 69 (Lead Mine Road) to turn left onto Route 52 north (Poplar Camp Road), turn east onto Foster Falls Road, turn east on Electric Lane/Road to arrive at its destination, Jackson’s Ferry Substation.

Each oversized load convoy will include certified pilot cars in the front and rear and Pulaski and Wythe County police will provide escorts. Traffic control and flagging operations will be in place throughout the haul.

Drivers should expect the convoy to stop periodically, and motorists will experience delays in travel time. When traffic congestion is present, an effort will be made to stop the convoy and provide traffic control for both directions of travel when possible.

This oversized convoy is carrying the fourth transformer that has traveled through our area since May 2015.

Click here to view a copy of the map of the route.

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WYTHE COUNTY, Va. – Lifelong Wytheville resident Charlie Lester officially became Wythe County’s newest representative on the Board of Supervisors, representing the residents of West Wytheville, this past Friday. Lester was sworn-in by Judge Josiah Showalter earlier in December in the Wythe County Circuit Court Building following his unchallenged election in November.

The 33-year-old Republican replaces fellow George Wythe High School alumni Artie Hall, who chose not to seek reelection.

Lester is the owner of Southwest Soda Clean, LLC, and is a fifth-generation Wythe County resident.

When asked about his vision for the future of Wythe County, Lester stated that he would work to ensure economic development remains at the forefront of the county’s activities.

“My attention will be geared toward bringing jobs and industry to Wythe County,” he said.

Also taking the oath of office was current board chairman Tim Reeves, along with Speedwell representative Gene Horney and Joe Hale of the Fort Chiswell District, all of whom were reelected to serve on the county’s board of supervisors for another term of four years.

In addition to marking the departure of Supervisor Hall, December 31st was also the final day of longtime Wythe County treasurer Sam Crockett’s service to the county.

Crockett, who did not seek reelection this past November, retired after having served as the county’s treasurer since 1988.

“I’ve enjoyed having the opportunity to get to know the people of the county – it’s been a fun job,” he said.

“Mr. Crockett will certainly be missed around the Wythe Count Court House. The Board of Supervisors appreciate the decades of service he has provided the county and wish him continued happiness in the days ahead,” stated Tim Reeves, Chairman of the Wythe County Board of Supervisors.

Reeves also welcomed Crockett’s replacement, former Rural Retreat Treasurer, Lori Guynn, to county government. Like Lester, Guynn assumed her new title on New Year’s Day.
Also returning for another four-year term are Jerry Mabe (Commonwealth’s Attorney), Faye Barker (Commissioner of the Revenue) and Keith Dunagan (Sheriff). Dunagan was serving as interim sheriff leading up to the election.

Longtime Clerk of the Court Hayden Horney will also be returning for another term of eight years.

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WYTHE COUNTY, Va. – On November 3, 2015, Virginia voters will be going to the polls to cast their ballots in a number of different races that will have local and statewide consequences.

Elections in Wythe County will include school board, board of supervisors, constitutional officers, Virginia Senate, Virginia House of Delegates and Soil & Water Conservation Director.

Due to the fact that Wythe County is divided between two separate Virginia senatorial districts, as well as the various local school board and board of supervisors districts, voters in the county will see one of six different ballots. Those ballots may be viewed by Clicking Here (precinct listed on bottom right corner of ballot).

Elections officials are reminding citizens that under Virginia law, voters must present one of the following forms of identification when voting: Valid Virginia driver’s license, DMV-issued photo identification card, valid United States Passport, valid employee photo identification card, other government—issued photo identification card or a valid college or university student photo identification card (issuer must be an institution of higher education located in Virginia).

The photo identification rules are intended to minimize the risk of election fraud and ensure honest elections for Virginia’s more than 8.3—million residents.

Ballots in the Fort Chiswell District (Max Meadows and Fort Chiswell precincts) will also include a blank write-in slot for “Member School Board District 4.”  This is because no candidate was successful in presenting the required number of acceptable signatures to be placed on the ballot.

Registrar Carolyn King wishes to remind voters that in order for their write—in vote to count, voters must fill in the bubble, in addition to writing the candidate’s name into the blank.

Residents with specific questions regarding elections should contact the county registrar’s office by calling (276) 223-6038 or by email: govote@wytheco.org.

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Governor McAuliffe Announces 79 New Jobs in Wythe County

WYTHEVILLE – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Schaffner MTC Transformers, a developer and manufacturer of standard and custom components and high-performance transformers, will invest $3.1 million to expand its operation in the Town of Wytheville in Wythe County. Virginia successfully competed against Ohio for the project, which is expected to create in the coming years 79 new jobs paying above the average prevailing wage in the region.

Speaking about today’s announcement at an event in Wytheville, Governor McAuliffe said, “Helping advanced manufacturing companies like Schaffner MTC Transformers expand and create jobs in communities that need them is a key component of my administration’s efforts to build a new Virginia economy. Schaffner MTC Transformers has been a pillar of the Wytheville region’s business community for 30 years, and this expansion should send a message to companies all over the world about the clear benefits of locating and growing in Southwest Virginia.”

“Helping the Commonwealth’s existing manufacturing businesses expand is a key strategy for growing and diversifying Virginia’s economy,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “Schaffner MTC Transformers has experienced the benefits of our outstanding workforce, infrastructure and business climate, and today they are making a commitment to continued growth in Virginia. We congratulate the company and Wythe County on this exciting news.”

Schaffner MTC Transformers was founded in 1985 in Wytheville. The company began manufacturing and repairing small dry-type transformers for various industrial, utility, and OEM customers and became known for strong technical capability, flexible product offerings, and responsive customer service. In 2011, the company was acquired by Schaffner Holding AG.

Schaffner Holding AG, based in Switzerland, is a global leader in providing solutions that ensure the efficient and reliable operation of power electronic systems by shaping electrical power. The Company’s portfolio includes EMI filters, power magnetic components and power quality filters with related services. Schaffner components are deployed in electronic motor controls, in wind power and photovoltaic systems, rail technology applications, machine tools and robotics, and electrical infrastructure, as well as in power supplies for a wide range of electronic devices in sectors such as medical technology. For the automobile industry, Schaffner develops and manufactures components for convenience and safety features in cars and filter solutions for electric vehicles as well as their charging infrastructure.

“Since the acquisition of MTC Transformers’ dry-type operations in September of 2011, I have experienced the great commitment of our Wytheville staff,” said Schaffner Group CEO Alexander Hagemann. “We are making major investments in our people and the plant to turn this site into our U.S. center of excellence for engineering and manufacturing. This marks our determination to accelerate Schaffner’s growth in North America in line with our recently announced Strategy 2020. I am grateful for the support that we receive on the state, county and town levels to make this project possible. That support has played an important role in making Wytheville the location of choice for our Group’s U.S. center of excellence.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) worked with Wythe County, the Joint Industrial Development Authority of Wythe County and the Town of Wytheville to secure the project for Virginia. Governor McAuliffe approved a $175,000 grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist Wythe County with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission approved $260,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds. The company is eligible to receive state benefits from the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. Additional funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program, administered by VEDP.

“Wythe County is proud that Schaffner MTC Transformers is locating additional manufacturing here in Wythe County,” said Timothy A Reeves, Chairman, Wythe County Board of Supervisors. “It is a testament to the workforce and pro-business stance that we proudly offer here.”

“Schaffner MTC Transformers has been an important part of our manufacturing base for over 30 years,” said Trenton G. Crewe, Wytheville Mayor. “The Town of Wytheville is proud that they have chosen to expand their operation here and we are committed to their continued success.”

“On behalf of the Virginia Tobacco Commission, I want to congratulate Schaffner MTC Transformers on their decision to bring 79 new jobs to the Town of Wytheville,” said Senator Charles W. Carrico, member of the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission. “It’s great to see that they are growing the type of high-tech design and manufacturing jobs that are so important to our region’s future. In addition to the $260,000 from the Tobacco Region Opportunity Fund, this announcement is highlighted by Schaffner’s capital investment of over $3.1 million, which demonstrates their commitment to Wytheville and the region.”

“I am pleased to learn of the decision of Schaffner MTC Transformers to expand its facility here in Wythe County,” said Delegate Jeffrey L. Campbell. “Schaffner MTC has been a critical part of the manufacturing cornerstone here for many years, and this is a testament to the sound management of the company, the dedication and quality of its workforce, and the hospitality and favorable business climate of both the Commonwealth of Virginia, in general, and Wythe County, in particular. We look forward to the company’s continued success for many years to come.

Since the beginning of the McAuliffe administration, 473 economic development deals have been closed in Virginia with more than $7.84 billion in capital investment, more than any previous governor in his first 20 months in office.

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UPADATE: Wythe County Weather Event

WYTHE COUNTY, Va. – This afternoon, Wythe County’s emergency management team participated in a statewide conference call with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management and the National Weather Service.

National Weather Service forecaster Dave Wirth told county leaders, “Our confidence is still very high for flooding – primarily for tonight and into the morning.”

Though officials did state that the likelihood of the most severe ‘worst-case scenarios’ mentioned in yesterday’s statewide call seemed very unlikely at this point, the potential for flash flooding and power outages remained high.

With the ground in Southwest Virginia still saturated from persistently wet weather over the past seven-days, officials remain concerned that the soil is too damp to adequately absorb additional rainwater, which has the potential to lead to flash flooding, ponding and even mudslides.

Wythe County emergency leaders are fearful that the soggy ground will weaken the stability of trees, making them more susceptible to being toppled from winds as mild as 25-30 mph.

Wirth told state and local leaders, “We are still expecting power outages – just maybe not as widespread as was previously thought.”

A flash flood watch remains in effect for Wythe County until 8 p.m. Sunday, as forecasts are predicting 2-5” of total rainfall, with higher amounts along the Blue Ridge.

“Just because the risk of the hurricane seems to have passed and the worst-case scenarios may not seem as likely doesn’t mean that it’s time for citizens to let their guards down,” said Wythe County Emergency Coordinator Jason Kinser.

“There is still great potential for flash flooding, power outages, fallen trees and even mudslides.”

Across the Commonwealth, hundreds of National Guard soldiers have been deployed in anticipation to this weekend’s weather event.

Though local leaders hope there will be no need to use these and other resources, county officials agree that it is better to have them in place and not need them, as opposed to need them and not have them in place and ready to serve.

— Wythe County Public Information Officer, Jeremy T.K. Farley

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How Wythe County Residents Should Prepare for Potential Flooding

EMERGENCY NOTICE: Jeremy Farley, Wythe County Public Information Officer

As has previously been reported,  Virginia is under a state of emergency as the Commonwealth braces for the impacts of Hurricane Joaquin.

In Southwest Virginia, Wythe County officials are also warning residents to be taking necessary precautions as the potential for widespread flooding is high.

This weather event is entirely separate from Hurricane Joaquin and is the result of a saturated ground and forecasts of additional significant rainfall.

Wythe County residents are encouraged to review and follow the below listed safety tips, courtesy of the Virginia Department of Emergency Management:


What People Should Do:

  • Take this weather event seriously and prepare in advance. These storms could have a significant impact to Virginia and power outages could last several weeks.
  • Do not drive through high water. Get to where you need to go before severe weather arrives.
  • Know the weather terms and what you should do:
  • Flood Watch or Flash Flood Watch: There is an increased possibility of flooding or a flash flood in your area.
  • Flood Warning: Flooding is occurring or will likely occur very soon. If emergency officials advise you to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Flash Flood Warning: Flash flooding is occurring. Seek higher ground immediately – do not wait for official instructions.
  • Be prepared to evacuate. If evacuated, do not return to your home until local officials say it is safe.  After floodwaters recede, roads could be weakened and could collapse. Buildings might be unstable, and drinking water could be contaminated.
  • If water is rising quickly or you see a moving wall of mud or debris, immediately move to higher ground.
  • Do not walk through moving water. What might seem like a small amount of moving water can easily knock you down.
  • If you depend on electricity for medical equipment or a mobility device, ensure all batteries are fully charged each day and be prepared to evacuate with extra batteries and any charging equipment you will need.
  • If you will need to use paratransit, be sure to consider the amount of extra time you may need should evacuation be recommended. Find out now whether you will need to schedule a ride 24 hours in advance, how many personal items you are allowed to evacuate with, and whether your pets will be allowed on the paratransit vehicle.
  • If you use durable medical equipment, need medical supplies, or take critical medications, ensure you have enough on hand for 5–7 days and include these items in your go-bag in case evacuation is recommended.
  • Notify your support network now and start planning ahead for any disability-related or medical needs.
  • Obtain cash in advance in case ATMs are down due to power outages.
  • If you plan to use a generator, buy fuel now.
  • Store water in big pans and the bathtub for personal use before the storm in case of a power outage.
  • Stay away from downed power lines, trees touching lines, and anything else that is touching a power line.
  • The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries cautions outdoor enthusiasts to exercise good judgment before venturing outdoors through the weekend. Go to the DGIF’s Facebook page for alerts and possible closure of facilities and to www.dgif.virginia.gov/alerts/.


Get Ready:

  • Decide how and where everyone will meet up with each other if separated.
  • Choose an out-of-town emergency contact for your family and give that person’s phone number to each family member.
  • Sign up for text alerts/weather warnings that may be offered by your locality.
  • Pre-pack a hurricane supply kit with a minimum three-day supply of essential items, such as water, non-perishable food, first aid kit, extra batteries and prescribed medications.
  • Secure garbage cans, lawn furniture or anything that could become airborne and cause damage.


Drive safely:

  • Know the road conditions before you travel. Go to www.511Virginia.org or dial 511 from any phone for real-time traffic information and road condition reports.
  • Do not drive into flooded areas. If your vehicle becomes surrounded by rising water, get out quickly and move to higher ground, if possible.
  • Flood water might cut off access to roads. Be prepared to stay where you are until floodwaters recede.
  • Determine in advance the safest route from your home to a safe place that can protect you from high winds or flooding. If there is a flood, you may have only minutes to get to safety.


Stay informed:


Other Resources:

  • If you need help, information or resources during or after the storm, call 211. Those with hearing impairments can call 711 to connect to the Virginia Relay Center for assistance with the call. Videophone users may dial 1-800-230-6977.
  • www.vaemergency.gov – go online or on your smart phone for statewide storm updates
  • @vdem – Twitter feed for storm updates from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management-
  • VAemergency – Facebook page for VDEM
  • @ListoVirginia twitter feed in Spanish and www.facebook.com/listovirginia1 on Facebook.